教授 胥国勇
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教授、博士生导师 Guoyong Xu (Ph.D., Professor) Email: guoyong.xu@whu.edu.cn Lab Page https://www.researchgate.net/lab/Guoyong-Xu-Lab-Translatome-Study-of-Plant-Immunity-Guoyong-Xu uORFlight
Sep 2007 – Jul 2012 Tsinghua University, China Ph.D.
Sep 2003 – Jul 2007 Nankai University, China B.S.
Working Experience
Jan 2018 – Now Wuhan University, China Professor
Aug 2013 – Dec 2017 Duke University, U.S.A. Postdoc
Jul 2012 – Jul 2013 Tsinghua University, China Postdoc
Oct 2010 – Jul 2013 Tsinghua University, China College Counselor
Research Interests:
Our Biotechnology & Interdisciplinary Research Lab aims to use interdisciplinary strategy to study Translational Control, Plant Defense and Precision Agriculture.
We are focusing on two basic biological questions. One is the Bio-triangle relationship (i.e., plant-pathogen-endophyte). Overusing pesticides and fertilizers and gaining resistant traits must ruin the harmonious bio-triangle relationship. We are working on the molecular mechanisms of the Arabidopsis-Pseudomonas-entophytic bacteria bio-triangle interaction model to help engineer disease-resistant crops. The other question is the Trait-triangle relationship (i.e., defense-yield-quality). High yield usually compromises crop defense and quality. We are working on the molecular mechanisms of balancing the trait-triangle relationship to meet the increasing requirement for high-quality crops.
To address those questions, we are developing novel Biotechniques by introducing different disciplines, including omics and information technology, microfluidic technology, synthetic chemistry and biology.
Keywords: Disease symptoms, Plant defense, Tissue damage control, Effector-triggered immunity, Necrotrophic disease, Immunopathology, Rhizoctonia solani; Endoplasmic reticulum, ER-autophagy interplay, Membraneless organelles; 5′ leaders, uORF, Translational control, Translation efficiency, Translational homeostasis, Protein condensation, mRNA annotation, RNA-binding protein; Rational engineering, Microbiome, Ribosome footprinting, TRIBE-RNA editing, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Published Papers(# Co-first author; *Corresponding):
Corresponding and co-corresponding:
7. Yulu Zhou, Ruixia Niu, Zhijuan Tang, Rui Mou, Zhao Wang, Sitao Zhu, Hongchun Yang, Pingtao Ding and Guoyong Xu*: Plant HEM1 specifies a condensation domain to control immune gene translation. Nature Plants 01/23, DOI: 10.1038/s41477-023-01355-7
6. Tianyuan Chen, Guoyong Xu#*, Rui Mou, George H. Greene, Lijing Liu, Jonathan Motley and Xinnian Dong*: Global translational induction during NLR-mediated immunity in plants is dynamically regulated by CDC123, an ATP-sensitive protein. Cell Host and Microbe 01/23, DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.01.014
5. Yin Zhao, Dongjuan Chen, Zhichen Xu, Tao Li, Jiang Zhu, Rui Hu, Guoyong Xu*, Ying Li*, Yunhuang Yang*, Maili Liu*: Integrating CRISPR-Cas12a into a microfluidic dual-droplet device enables simultaneous detection of HPV16 and HPV18.Analytical Chemistry 01/23, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c05320
4. Guilong Zhou, Ruixia Niu, Yulu Zhou, Ming Luo, Yao Peng, Hui Wang, Zhao Wang, Guoyong Xu*: Proximity editing to identify RNAs in phase-separated RNA binding protein condensates. Cell Discovery 03/2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41421-021-00288-9
3. Ruixia Niu, Yulu Zhou, Yu Zhang, Rui Mou, Zhijuan Tang, Zhao Wang, Guilong Zhou, Sibin Guo, Meng Yuan, Guoyong Xu*: uORFlight: a vehicle toward uORF-mediated translational regulation mechanisms in eukaryotes. Database 03/2020, DOI: 10.1093/database/baaa007
2. Jingjing Tian,Guoyong Xu*, Meng Yuan*: Towards engineering broad-spectrum disease-resistant crops. Trends in Plant Science 02/2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.02.012 (Note: Spotlight)
1. Jingjing Tian,Guoyong Xu*, Meng Yuan*: Precise editing enables crop broad-spectrum resistance. Molecular Plant 11/2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.11.006 (Note: Spotlight)
First and co-first:
7. Shanshan Wang#, Ke Xie#, Guoyong Xu#, Huarui Zhou, Qiang Guo, Jingyi Wu, Zengwei Liao, Na Liu, Yan Wang, Yule Liu: Plant G proteins interact with ER luminal protein receptors to regulate ER retrieval: Signaling between ERD2s and G proteins. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology03/2018, DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12648
6. Guoyong Xu#, George H. Greene#, Heejin Yoo#, Lijing Liu, Jorge Marqués, Jonathan Motley, Xinnian Dong: Global translational reprogramming is a fundamental layer of immune regulation in plants. Nature 04/17, DOI: 10.1038/nature22371
5. Guoyong Xu#, Meng Yuan#, Chaoren Ai, Lijing Liu, Edward Zhuang, Sargis Karapetyan, Shiping Wang, Xinnian Dong: uORF-mediated translation allows engineered plant disease resistance without fitness cost. Nature 04/17, DOI: 10.1038/nature22372
4. Guoyong Xu#, Shanshan Wang#, Shaojie Han, Ke Xie, Yan Wang, Jinlin Li, Yule Liu: Plant Bax Inhibitor-1 interacts with ATG6 to regulate autophagy and programmed cell death. Autophagy 07/2017, DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2017.1320633
3. Guoyong Xu#, Yule Liu: Plant ERD2s self-interact and interact with GTPase-activating proteins and ADP-ribosylation factor 1. Plant signaling & behavior 09/2012, DOI: 10.4161/psb.21217
2. Guoyong Xu#, Sizhun Li#, Ke Xie, Qiang Zhang, Yan Wang, Yang Tang, Dong Liu, Yiguo Hong, Chenyang He, Yule Liu: Plant ERD2-like proteins function as ER luminal protein receptors and participate in programmed cell death during innate immunity. The Plant Journal 05/2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05053.x
1. Guoyong Xu#, Ning Sui#, Yang Tang, Ke Xie, Yizhen Lai, Yule Liu: One-step, zero-background ligation-independent cloning intron-containing hairpin RNA constructs for RNAi in plants. New Phytologist 07/2010, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03253.x
4. Guifang Feng, Ming Gao, Liwei Wang, Jiayi Chen, Menglu Hou, Qiongqiong Wan, Yun Lin, Guoyong Xu, Xiaotian Qi, Suming Chen*: Dual-resolving of positional and geometric isomers of C=C bonds via bifunctional photocycloaddition-photoisomerization reaction system. Nature Communications 04/22, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30249-z
3. Jinlong Wang, Xing Zhang, George H. Greene, Guoyong Xu, Xinnian Dong*: PABP/purine-rich motif as an initiation module for cap-independent translation in pattern-triggered immunity. Cell 07/2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.06.037
2. Xudong Li, Renyan Huang, Jiyun Liu, Guoyong Xu, Meng Yuan*: Engineering false smut resistance rice via host‐induced gene silencing of two chitin synthase genes ofUstilaginoidea virens. Plant Biotechnology Journal 09/2021, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13711
1. Heejin Yoo,George H. Greene, Meng Yuan, Guoyong Xu, Derek Burton, Lijing Liu, Jorge Marqués, Xinnian Dong: Translational Regulation of Metabolic Dynamics during Effector-Triggered Immunity. Molecular Plant 09/2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.09.009
我们组建了生物技术交叉研究实验室,利用多学科交叉融合研究:翻译调控(Translational Control)、植物抗病分子机制(Plant Immunity)和精准作物改良(Precision Agriculture)等。
我们关注两个生物学问题:(一)、植物、病原和内生菌之间的关系(Bio-triangle:plant-pathogen-endophyte):农药、化肥的使用以及抗病性状的获得极大可能破坏三者关系。我们以拟南芥-假单胞病原菌-内生细菌为模型,研究发病前后三者之间互作的分子机制,为抗病性状的优化提供理论支撑。(二)、作物抗性、产量和品质之间的关系(Trait-triangle: defense-yield-quality):长期对产量性状的极致追求导致了抗性和品质性状的丢失。理解平衡三者关系的分子机制将有助于满足日益增长的高品质生活需求。